
Wildlife Photography In Montana's Centennial Valley (P2)

Last time I had the privilege of introducing you to William (Bill) Kleinfelder’s photography. Bill very generously shared numerous lovely photos from his photographic excursions here at Elk Lake last month. However, the photos are all so delightful, I really couldn't choose just a few - I had to share a large portion. So, without further ado, William Kleinfelder's photography presents:

I love this series of Bluebird shots. From the downy baby to the curious father - each one captures a piece of the essential essence of these beautiful birds!

Not until the guys shared their photos did I learn the male Ruddy Duck's bill turns bright blue during the mating season. What a striking contrast with his dark good looks.

With all the time they spent around water, they were bound to see some of the mammal residents. The every curious otter and always watchful muskrat are common valley residents.

In this series of photos Bill has captured nothing unusually striking. All of these birds are common Elk Lake area residents. However, each photo is so clear, so up-close-and-personal it brings to life detail I had never before noticed. That, perhaps, is one of the most delightful things about Bill's photography.

Unless you all complain, I have one more series of Bill's photos I'd love to share. So. . .one more post filled with delightful images awaits your viewing pleasure!

Lady of the Lake

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